The Ultimate Coffee Bag Selection Guide

Coffee bags are an essential component of the coffee industry. They not only serve as a vessel for coffee beans, but they also contribute to the quality and freshness of the coffee. However, with so many different types of coffee bags available, it can be challenging to know which one is the right choice for you. In this guide, we’ll discuss the different types of coffee bags, the factors to consider when choosing a coffee bag, and how to choose the right coffee bag for your needs.

Table of Contents

Which One is Right for You?

When it comes to coffee bags, there are three main types to choose from: paper bags, foil bags, and plastic bags. Each has its pros and cons, depending on the type of coffee you’re storing and how long you plan to keep it.

kraft paper coffee bean bags

Paper Bags

If you're looking for an affordable, eco-friendly option that's easy to print on, paper bags might be the right choice for you. However, they're not airtight, which means that they're not the best option for coffee that needs to be stored for a long time.

foil coffee bags

Foil Bags

Foil bags are a popular choice for coffee that needs to be stored for a longer period. They're airtight, which helps to keep the coffee fresh, and they also protect the coffee from light and moisture.

Plastic Coffee Bag

Plasic Bags

Plastic bags are a popular choice for coffee that is sold in bulk. They're affordable, lightweight, and easy to store. However, they're not a good choice for long-term storage, as they're not airtight and can allow the coffee to go stale quickly.

Which One is the Most Durable and Eco-Friendly?

Once you’ve chosen the type of coffee bag that’s right for your needs, the next step is to consider the packaging material. Here are three popular options:

PP Material for coffee bags

Polypropylene (PP)

Polypropylene is a lightweight, durable material that's easy to print on. However, it's not the most eco-friendly option.


High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

HDPE is a lightweight and durable material that's also eco-friendly. It's resistant to moisture and light, which makes it a good choice for coffee bags.

kraft paper materials for coffee bags

Kraft Paper

Kraft paper is a popular eco-friendly option for coffee bags. It's durable and moisture-resistant, and it's easy to print on. However, it's not as effective as foil or plastic at protecting coffee from light and moisture.

Which One Will Enhance Your Coffee's Appeal?

Finally, consider the design options for your coffee bag. Here are three popular choices:

One-Way Valve: A one-way valve is a small hole in the coffee bag that allows gas to escape but doesn’t allow air to enter. This is important because coffee releases gas as it ages, and an airtight bag can cause the bag to burst. A one-way valve allows the gas to escape while keeping the coffee fresh.

Resealable Zipper: A resealable zipper is a convenient feature that allows customers to keep their coffee fresh after opening the bag. It’s also an eco-friendly option because customers can reuse the bag.

Window: A window is a design feature that allows customers to see the coffee inside the bag. It’s a great way to showcase the quality and freshness of the coffee.

coffe bags features

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Coffee Bag

Are you a coffee producer or retailer looking to package your coffee in the best possible way? Choosing the right coffee bag is crucial to preserving the quality and freshness of your product. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a coffee bag:

Fresh coffee


The primary function of a coffee bag is to preserve the freshness of the coffee. When choosing a coffee bag, it's essential to consider its ability to protect the coffee from air, moisture, and light. Look for bags that are airtight and have a one-way valve to release carbon dioxide while preventing oxygen from entering the bag.



The cost of coffee bags can vary significantly depending on the material, size, and quantity purchased. While paper bags are the most affordable option, they may not offer the same level of protection as more expensive bags. It's essential to balance the cost of the bags with the quality and freshness of the coffee.

coffee bean


The weight of the coffee bag can have an impact on shipping costs and the overall carbon footprint of the coffee. Consider the weight of the bag when making purchasing decisions, especially if you plan to ship the coffee.



If you're looking for a coffee bag that can be easily transported, consider the size and shape of the bag. Bags with handles or a resealable zipper can be more convenient for consumers.



Sustainability is an essential consideration in today's coffee industry. Look for bags that are made from renewable resources or are biodegradable. Some bags may also be certified by organizations such as the Forest Stewardship Council or the Rainforest Alliance.

How to Choose the Right Coffee Bag?

Choosing the right coffee bag is essential for preserving the freshness and quality of the coffee. Consider the type of bag, the factors to consider when choosing a bag, and how to choose the right bag for your needs. With the right coffee bag, you can ensure that your coffee is protected and ready for brewing.

Firstly, Consider the Quality and Origin of the Coffee

The quality and origin of the coffee can impact the type of bag you choose. High-end specialty coffees may require a more expensive bag that offers better protection against air and moisture. Coffee from humid climates may require a bag with better moisture protection. Consider the specific needs of the coffee when choosing a bag.

Secondly, Think About Your Branding

Coffee bags are not just a vessel for coffee; they also serve as a marketing tool. Consider the design and branding of the bag when choosing a coffee bag. Bags with unique designs or custom printing can help your brand stand out on store shelves.

Thirdly, Consider the Quantity

If you’re purchasing coffee bags in bulk, consider the quantity of bags you need. Some suppliers may offer discounts for larger quantities. However, be sure to balance the cost savings with the shelf life of the coffee.

Fourth, Research Suppliers

When choosing a supplier for your coffee bags, it’s essential to do your research. Look for suppliers that offer high-quality bags, competitive pricing, and excellent customer service. Read reviews and ask for recommendations from other coffee roasters.

Choose the Perfect Coffee Bag for Your Needs

Choosing the right coffee bag is crucial for ensuring that your coffee stays fresh and delicious for as long as possible. Consider the type of coffee you’re storing, how long you plan to keep it, and the packaging materials and design options that will work best for your needs. With these factors in mind, you’ll be able to choose the perfect coffee bag for your needs.


Remember, coffee is a delicate and complex product that requires special attention to ensure that it stays fresh and flavorful. By choosing the right coffee bag, you can protect your investment and ensure that you’re getting the most out of your coffee experience.


So whether you’re a coffee roaster, a coffee shop owner, or a coffee lover at home, take the time to consider your options and choose the coffee bag that’s right for you. With a little research and attention to detail, you can enjoy delicious, fresh coffee every time.

At Soaraway Packaging, we not only offer a variety of high-quality coffee bags, but we also provide the option to customize them to fit your specific needs. From choosing the type of bag to selecting the design and printing options, we make it easy for you to create the perfect packaging for your coffee. Contact us today to learn more about our customization options and start creating your own unique coffee bags!

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