Degassing Valve in Coffee Bag: What Are They & Are They Necessary for Coffee Packaging?

For coffee producers, wholesalers, and brand owners, the quality and taste of coffee is their lifeline. They have to make sure that the coffee beans are fresh, tasty and maintain a good taste. When coffee beans are roasted, they emit carbon dioxide gas. Without a degassing valve, the carbon dioxide gas accumulates inside the bag, causing the bag to expand, burst, or coffee bean spoilage. Coffee packaging bags with a degassing valve, carbon dioxide can flow freely, releasing the gas from coffee beans and preventing the bag from bursting.

In addition, oxygen and moisture are the two major threats to coffee bean preservation, as they can cause coffee beans to oxidize, spoil, and mold. A coffee bags with degassing valve can prevent oxygen and moisture from entering the bag, thus preserving the freshness and flavor of coffee.

What is a Degassing Valve?

A degassing valve, also known as a one-way valve or pressure relief valve, is a small device that can be installed on a coffee bag. Its purpose is to allow gases (such as carbon dioxide) inside the bag to flow freely. While preventing oxygen and moisture enter in the bag, then it preserve the freshness and flavor of coffee beans and extending the shelf life of coffee.

Degassing valve in coffee bags

Why a degassing valve is needed?

Coffee beans will continue to release carbon dioxide, especially during the first week after roasting, and this gas release will rapidly increase. If coffee is sealed in a packaging bag without a valve, the gas cannot be released through the gaps in the bag’s walls, and pressure will gradually increase, eventually leading to the bag bursting. This not only causes coffee bean loss but also results in the loss of freshness and taste of the coffee.

However, if your coffee packaging bag comes with a degassing valve, this problem will not occur. The degassing valve allows carbon dioxide to be released, while it prevent oxygen entering the packaging bag. Thereby it is maintaining the freshness and taste of the coffee. This design was invented by Swiss engineer Gaston de Fontmichel in 1957, and since then, degassing valve have become a standard design for coffee packaging bags.

coffee bags degassing valve funtions

4 Reasons Degassing Valves Are Important to Coffee Packaging

A degassing valve is a crucial element for coffee packaging. It can maintain the freshness and flavor of coffee beans, extend the shelf life of coffee, and help coffee beans release more aroma. . Therefore, if you’re a coffee producer, wholesaler, brand owner, it’s important to consider using coffee packaging with a degassing valve. By doing so, you can improve the quality of your coffee and enhance the coffee drinking experience for consumers.

The main functions of a valve are as follows:

1.Maintain the freshness and taste of coffee

Using the degassing valve keeps the bag sealed while allowing the carbon dioxide to escape. This prevents the pouch from breaking and ensures the coffee retains its freshness and taste. It is very important for wholesalers, brand owners, because they need to ensure that the coffee beans they sell are fresh, delicious, and maintain a good taste.

2.Extend the shelf life of coffee

Because the release of carbon dioxide reduces the ingress of oxygen, which slows down the rate at which the coffee beans oxidize. The coffee bags with valve extends the shelf life of the coffee, allowing the beans to stay fresh and great for longer. On the other hand, coffee producers, wholesalers, brand owners reduce waste and loss.

3.Improve the quality of coffee

Coffee packaging bags with valve can improve the quality of the coffee. It maintain the freshness and taste of the coffee ensures the quality of the beans. It is very important for wholesalers, brand owners, because they need to ensure that the coffee beans they sell are of high quality and maintain the best taste.

4.Improve consumers' purchasing experience

Coffee bags with degassing valves enhance the purchasing experience for consumers. Because it maintain the freshness and taste of coffee,  consumers get the best coffee experience. This improves customer satisfaction and increases their loyalty to your brand.

4 Reasons Degassing Valves Are Important to Coffee Packaging

How to choose the best Degassing Valve?

Choose high-quality coffee bags and degassing valve to ensure that they remain effective for a long time. When selecting coffee bags with degassing valves, it is best to choose certified flexible packaging suppliers so that they meet industry standards. When you are purchasing coffee packaging bags with gas valves, ensure that they have strict testing to withstand long-term use and transportation.

Choose a coffee bag with gas valve that is suitable for your coffee requirements. Different coffee bags have different sizes and shapes to suit different quantity coffee. Therefore, you need to choose a coffee bags with degassing valve that is suitable for your requirements. For example, if you have a larger quantity of coffee , you have to choose larger coffee packaging bags require, while larger degassing valves effectively release gas and maintain optimal freshness and taste.

How to install Degassing Valve Correctly?

Usually when you buy coffee bags, pre-made coffee bags are already equipped with degassing valves. Of course, the supplier will provide professional advice and solutions to make your customized solutions perfect. You can know more about the installation steps of the degassing valve, so that you have a clearer demand when negotiate with suppliers. The following are the steps to install the air valve correctly:

  1. Determine the valve position. The valve should be located at the top center of the coffee bag to allow carbon dioxide flowingfreely.
  2. Prepare the valve. The valve usually comes with adhesive backing, which can be removed.
  3. Install the valve. Stick the valve on the top center position of the bag and press gently to ensure it is firmly attached to the bag.
  4. Test whether the valve is working properly. Place the coffee bag on a flat surface and observe whether gas is flowing out of the valve. If not, it may be due to improper valve installation or a valve problem itself.

When Degassing Valves Aren’t Necessary?

If you’re looking to keep your coffee fresh and package it quickly, coffee bags with degassing valves are a popular option, but they’re not always necessary.

For instance, you’re packaging small single-serve portions of coffee or instant coffee in stick packs, you may not need to a degassing valve. These types of products are typically consumed quickly. Then oxygen doesn’t have enough time to negatively affect the coffee’s flavor and aroma.

On the other hand, if you’re packaging larger quantities of coffee, shipping them across the country, or selling them to retailers, degassing valves are crucial. They help to maintain the integrity of the package shape and keep oxygen and moisture out. Therefore, your coffee stays fresh and flavorful for longer.

When considering whether to use a degassing valve, it’s essential to think about the size of the coffee bag and the amount of time that will pass from roasting to consumption. If your coffee will be stored for an extended period, a degassing valve is a necessarial feature. As it will prevent the buildup of excess carbon dioxide and maintain the quality of your product.

At the end of the day, the decision to use a degassing valve depends on your specific needs and circumstances. Whether you’re packaging coffee for personal use or for sale, choosing the right packaging solution is crucial to ensure that your coffee stays fresh and flavorful. Contact us today to discuss your coffee packaging needs and find the perfect solution for you!


In addition to preserving the freshness and flavor of coffee beans, a valve has a surprising effect: it help coffee beans releasing more aroma. After coffee beans are roasted, a large amount of carbon dioxide is produced, and these gases will be lost over time. However, there’s a valve, carbon dioxide can flow freely, and coffee bean release more aroma. It is enhancing the taste and flavor of coffee. Choosing a high-quality valve for coffee bag, ensure that your coffee maintains the best quality and taste during storage and transportation. If you are not already using gas valves on your coffee bags, now is the time to consider adding them!

In summary, as a coffee packaging bag supplier, we help clients to maintain the best quality and taste of coffee. We have provided some information about degassing valves, including why you need a gas valve, how to choose the best coffee bags with degassing valve, and the benefits of a gas valve. We hope that helps you understand the degassing valve and ensure your coffee beans maintain the best quality and taste.

Partner with the Right Coffee Packaging Provider

Coffee is one of the most popular drink the world, and coffee packaging is a crucial factor in keeping coffee fresh and quality. Soaraway Packaging offer custom coffee packaging solutions. Customized resealable closures, degassing valves, and high-barrier films to keep oxygen and moisture out while sealing in the aroma and maintaining product quality. We offer a variety of flexible packaging options, such as side gusset bags and stand-up pouches. Looking for coffee packaging solutions? Call us today, and we can guide you through the process of creating the perfect custom coffee packaging.

At Soaraway, we not only offer high-quality coffee packaging solutions, but also offer creative and original features for packaging bags. Our designers and engineers create unique packaging solutions that make your brand stand out in the market. We offer a variety of material options, whether it’s paper, plastic, or hybrid materials, to meet your needs. Additionally, we provide fast delivery and small-batch customization services to fit your needs and timeline.

We understand the challenges in the coffee industry and how crucial coffee packaging is to your business. Therefore, we are committed to providing the best coffee packaging solutions to keep your coffee freshness and quality. While it will enhance your brand image and market competitiveness. With us, you can expect higher quality, greater flexibility, and more professional services than other suppliers. Contact us now, and let’s work together to create unique packaging solutions for your coffee business!

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